Liturgy Training

Your True Voice

This training workshop is an opportunity for new and veteran liturgical ministers to enrich their spiritual and liturgical skills in sharing the Word of God with the community. It focuses on spiritual preparation as well as practical presentation techniques that help with the effective proclamation of scripture through spoken and sung word.
Participants will explore ways to:

  • Be an instrument of God’s word (spoken or sung).
  • Proclaim and lead with confidence, authenticity, and respect.
  • Honor their role in the liturgy and perform it effectively.
  • Enhance (rather than distract from) the ritual of the liturgical service.
  • Be a conduit for the Holy Spirit to allow for spiritual conversion.

Dr. Mel works with liturgical ministers as a group in an interactive presentation. Her practical approach has helped lectors, cantors, psalmists, Gospel readers across the country become more effective in fulfilling their liturgical role and deepening their own spiritual journey.

The recommended format for this formation clinic is a 3-night series (or Friday night and two sessions on Saturday.) The three sessions focus on inspiration, preparation, and presentation. Each session is approximately 1-1/2 to 2 hours.

“We must look for good readers, not those who mutter and nothing is understood. They must be prepared and rehearse before the Mass in order to read well. And this creates a climate of receptive silence,”

-Pope Francis

Mel believes that the above pertains to cantors and psalmists, as well. Her unique approach of encompassing a variety of methods and suggestions empowers and assists liturgical ministers to faithfully and confidently share God’s saving word.

Your True Voice is now being offered through the Spring of 2023. It is a engaging presentation that will benefit any parish or community. Mel’s stipend for this event is $750 plus travel. To book Mel or get more information, please contact us.